
So Much Joy!

I have moved into investing more time into the blog: mrspimentel.wordpress.com which has been so much fun! So check it out! Here are some photos to show you what we have been up too!

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So Mr.Rogers class has been working with the Photoshop to make a whole new universe!  Let the creativity fly to the moon…


Students had to take photographs of nature in the area then had to import the image into Photoshop.  Then with the image they had to match and shape it into something from the universe.  So we had Uranus, Jupiter moon and lots of other out-of-this-world places!


SET-BC & Co-Writer

We are so excited that our school has been selected for the SET-BC Classroom Project.  The project will allow us to use Mac Books and Co-Writer to bring learning to a new level with the children in Mr. Rogers’ Grade 6/7 class.  We are so thrilled to have been selected!  Inspiring times ahead!




When you have a child who is acting like a pirate!  Check out these wonderful website resources:







The True Title…



Recently, I’ve been concentrating on my other blog www.mrspimentel.wordpress.com which highlights ‘The Inspire Project’.  Take sometime to check it out and see the wonderful opportunities of inclusion codeable robots can bring to your community!

I just wrote a blog post for my other blog about an Inclusion Conference I attended at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Check it out:



Our Body Break Room has now been set-up and how exciting is that!  This is a great opportunity for our kids at school to self-regulate.  Thanks to Shortreed Elementary School for the ideas and sequence of the Room!

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